At present, the museum heritage numbers 347452 pieces. The main collection of the museum has the following structure: - Archaeological pieces - 47186 - Documents - 39350 - Photographs - 48540 - Numismatic objects - 61892 - Old books - 16055 - Periodicals - 28202 - Ethnographic pieces - 1281 - Inventory and objects of personal use - 7806 - Decorative art - 3141 - Plastic art: Paintings - 1596 Graphics - 3826 Sculpture - 150 - Furniture - 266 - Weapons and armor - 2079
- Technical objects - 954 - clothing and accessories - 2899 - vexilogy - 1164 - musical instruments - 142
- Philately - 37427
- Other - 43345 - CFM - 151.
Particular attention is given to the development, conservation, restoration, and informatization of the museum collections.
Archaeological Collection
The collection consists of 47186 objects (the core fund), which came from archaeological excavations, random finds, acquisitions, donations, and transfers and date back to the Palaeolithic, Neolithic, Bronze, and Iron Ages, Roman Era, pre-feudal period, and the Middle Ages... |
Collection of Historical Exhibits
It contains the objects of historical and memorial significance, dated from the 19th - 20th centuries, which are destined to recompose the ambience of bygone centuries, to reconstruct in exhibitions the atmosphere in which Moldavian cultural, historical, and political figures of the past lived and worked.... |
Collection of Arms and Armour
The Museum owns authentic weapons of the 16th – 20th centuries, of western, eastern, and Russian (for the most part) origin. The collection consists of all the types of cold steel and fire-arms: offensive, defensive, missile, and hunting weapons.... |
Numismatic Collection
The collection consists of: Coins of diverse times and countries of issue. There are ancient coins of Greek, Getae-Dacian, and Roman origin, medieval coins of local and foreign issues (the Ottoman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, the United Provinces, Hungary, Poland, etc.); series of modern coins... |
Collection of Photographs
The collection includes 48540 objects and consists of: Photographs (originals and copies), taken in photo studios in Moldova, Romania, Russia, and other European countries during 1860 - 2010, which can be attributed to many genres: photo portrait, landscape, ethnographic, documentary, and artistic photography, etc.... |
Book Collection
The Museum owns the collection of books that includes 16055 volumes of the core fund, published in the 17th - 21st centuries in Moldova as well as in the different typographical centres of Europe. The collection consists of old and rare books (693 volumes of the 17th - 19th centuries) and newer ones (20th - 21st centuries). ... |
Collection of Periodicals
The collection consists of 28202 periodicals of the 19th - 21st centuries, some of which being unique. The most significant titles are the following:... |
Textile Collection
The textile collection numbers 4,971 objects, classified as follows:- Clothes: Canonicals, 19th – 20th centuries: surplices, albs, stoles, etc.; Fashionable clothing, 20th century; National costumes, 19th – 20th centuries; Theatre costumes, 20th century; Military uniforms, 19th – 20th centuries; Sports uniforms, 20th century; Headwear, 19th – 20th centuries; Clothing accessories and adornments... |
Collection of Household Items
The collection contains 7806 household implements made of wood, metal, clay, ceramics, and textile fibres, used by inhabitants of Moldova from the second half of the 19th to the end of the 20th century.The collection combines items which illustrate the mode of life of the population from this area of Europe, to wit: Tools, Implements and devices for various works, Irons, Lamps and lighting, Bench scales, ... |
Collection of Technical Equipment
It numbers 954 items, among which there are:Clocks and watches produced in the 18th – 20th centuries in Switzerland, France, Germany, and Russia. Typologically they can be classified as pendulum, mantel, and table clocks, wristwatches, pocket watches, and chimes. Some of the clocks and watches relate to the names of eminent people, such as the publicist Pavalache Crusevan, the academician Nikolay Dimo, the surgeon Sergey Krivosheev and others; ... |
Philatelic Collection
The collection contains 37427 postage stamps and philatelic material issued in more than 50 countries worldwide. Chronological framework of the collection includes 19th – 20th centuries. Among the objects can be mentioned particularly the following: Series of stamps issued by the State Enterprise “Posta Moldovei” during 1991 – 2006 ... |
Collection of Documents
The collection includes 39350 documents on paper of the 19th - 21st centuries: contracts of sale, certificates of property and of marriage, papers on bank loans, property insurance policies, manuscripts, letters and autobiographies, circulars, records of proceedings and shorthand records, diplomas, passports, work-books, military IDs and other papers related to economic, social, political, cultural... |
Collection of Art
The collection numbers 8713 objects classified by the following groups: Wooden icons dated from the 18th – 20th centuries, attributed to the Moldavian painting schools and the Russian painting schools (for the most part); Paintings of the 20th century. The oldest ones are of the period between the two wars, painted by A. Balier, A. Klimashevsky, N. Kolyadich, G. Fiurer, and A. Gumalik; ... |
Development of Collections >>