The National History Museum of Moldova invites you to the opening of the photographic exhibition "Friends through Photography", which will take place on Wednesday, December 6, 2024, at 2:00 p.m., in the hall on the ground floor of the museum.
The exhibition, part of the project "Strengthening support for children and young people from Moldova and Ukraine, affected by the war", implemented by AO "Media Center for Youth", "Terre des hommes Moldova" and financed by the SOS Children's Villages Foundation, brings to the fore the experiences of young refugees from Ukraine and those from host communities, highlighting how art and collaboration can bring people together, regardless of borders or difficult contexts.
The exhibition represents 12 photos taken by a group of 20 teenagers, from the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, who participated in the "Media Camp" summer camp held from July 8-11, 2024, where they learned how to express their emotions and thoughts through photography. Through the photovoice technique, they translated their own emotions, challenges and aspirations into images and texts, revealing relationships of friendship, solidarity and hope.
The photos, such as "Motivation and Hope", "River of Peace" or "Definition of Friendship" accompanied by short texts, capture authentic moments of connection and mutual support, reflecting the aspirations and challenges of young people, people and places that inspire them, the emotions of refugee teenagers.
The exhibition will be open to the public between December 6-20 in the ground floor hall of the National History Museum of Moldova, Chișinău, Str. 31 August 1989, 121A