Events Archive
Dual Education Day in Chișinău
May 28, 2022
On Saturday, May 28, 2022, the courtyard of the National Museum of History of Moldova hosted a series of activities dedicated to dual technical vocational education - an alternative form of classical technical vocational education. Dozens of young people explored interesting and well-paid trades on Dual Education Day! The event under the slogan "Learn. Work. Win!" brought together about 20 vocational schools and companies that competed in interactive workshops and providing up-to-date training and employment opportunities. The presented new professional opportunities were addressed, in particular, to graduates of secondary schools, as well as people under the age of 35 who want to learn a new profession. The young visitors learned about the benefits of dual education and took part in a series of workshops in such topical areas as electronics, energy, information technology, food processing, fashion, beauty and even medicine. Potential students had the opportunity to ask questions, participate in discussions with members of the participating institutions and try out various trades. Thus, in the workshops, they discovered culinary, clothing and beauty tricks, learned the secrets of efficient agriculture, explored energy innovations and saw how they can change the world through digitalization. The event was attended by Mr. Anatolie Topala, Minister of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova, who stressed the important role of this form of education for contemporary society. In addition to useful information and unique opportunities, an entertainment program awaited visitors. The stage of the event included several musical performances, fashion shows, as well as exciting dances. The Dual Education Day 2022 was organized by the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova, with the support of the project "Promoting Technical Vocational Education for a Green Economy" implemented by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and funded by the German Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Economic Development (BMZ) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The event was also illustrated by a photo exhibition, which can be viewed on the fence of the National Museum of History of Moldova until June 15, 2022.