Events Archive
Festive meeting dedicated to the Professional Day of Historians
June 18, 2022
On Saturday, June 18, 2022, the Blue Room of the National Museum of History of Moldova hosted the festive meeting dedicated to the Professional Day of Historians, established by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova no. 427 of June 10, 2011. The event was attended by historians, teachers, ethnographers, museographers, archivists, students and history lovers. The meeting was moderated by Prof. Anatol Petrencu, Dr. habil. in history (President of the Alexandru Moșanu Association of Historians of the Republic of Moldova) and Dr. habil. Gheorghe Cojocaru (Director of the Institute of History). The event was opened by Dr. Anatolie Topală, Minister of Education and Research, who in addition to the congratulatory message addressed to the community of historians assured them on behalf of the Ministry of supporting their activities, as well as supporting the growth and education of active and responsible citizens. Greetings and congratulations were made by Dr. Igor Sharov (Rector of the State University of Moldova); Dr. habil. Liliana Condraticova (Secretary General of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova); Dr. Ludmila Chiciuc (Vice-Rector of the Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu State University in Cahul); Ghenadie Donos (President of the Trade Union Federation for Education and Research); Mr. Nicolae Ciubotaru (the Ion Creangă State Pedagogical University), and other representatives of research institutes, universities, agencies, museums, and so on. Livia Sîrbu, Deputy Director of the host institution, also delivered a message of greetings and wishes for great achievements, emphasizing the role of museums in promoting history and national values. During the celebratory meeting, diplomas were awarded as a token of high appreciation for the fruitful activity in the field of history, as well as on the occasion of the Historian's Day. During the celebratory meeting, as a sign of high appreciation for the fruitful activity in the field of history, as well as on the occasion of the Historian's Day, certificates of honor were awarded. In addition, there was a presentation of the book "Republic of Moldova in search of identity" edited by Dr. habil. Anatol Petrencu and Ion Negrei, in which the proceedings of the conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Moldova were published. The event ended with a wonderful artistic performance by the members of the Ștefan Neaga Center of Excellence in Art Education. Historia est magistra vitae!