Events Archive
Historian's Day 2017
June 18, 2017
On June 18, 2017, the servants of Goddess Clio from the Republic of Moldova celebrated the seventh edition of the professional day of the historian. The establishment of this professional holiday in 2011 was an act of recognition by the state of the contribution made by the community of historians to the complex process the rehabilitation of the scientific truth, an appreciation of the effort made for the spiritual rebirth of our people, whose civic conscience and national identity has been deeply affected by the communist regime. Also, this holiday, which celebrates the historical guild, is a gesture of encouragement for those who do not spare their efforts to return to the national values and of support of those who truly promote democratic and general human values. On this beautiful occasion, the National Museum of History of Moldova hosted a Festive Meeting, organized with the effort and support of the Association of Historians of the Republic of Moldova, the Institute of History of the ASM, the History and Philosophy Department of USM, the State Pedagogical University "Ion Creangă", the History and International Relations Department of ULIM, the Center for Culture and Military History, and the National Museum of History of Moldova. The Blue Room of the National Museum of History of Moldova gathered scholars and history teachers from universities and schools, museographers, archivists, and students passionate about history. There were many speakers at the event: assoc. prof. Gheorghe NEGRU, interim president of the Association of Historians of the Republic of Moldova, prof. dr. hab. Gheorghe COJOCARU, director of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Ion NEGREI, vice-president of the Association of Historians of the Republic of Moldova, Viorica NEGREI, deputy head of Education, Youth and Sport General Department, Chișinău Municipality, assoc.prof. Vitalie CIOBANU, director of the Center for Culture and Military History of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Moldova, Petru VICOL, director of the National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History of the Republic of Moldova. At the event were also awarded diplomas with appreciation of the efforts of the most distinguished historians. The meeting was embellished with a show performed by the students of the Republican Music Lyceum "Ciprian Porumbescu" from Chișinău, with a recital of lyrics and songs of deep national and artistic significance.