Events Archive
Musical literary show „We are here to carol!”
December 23rd, 2015
It is a tradition for Christmas holidays for the National Museum of History of Moldova to organize shows for children from socially and financially vulnerable families. The purpose of these activities is to promote the rights of children and their families and facilitate their integration into the society. Also, these activities provide an opportunity for these children to enter the wonderful world of winter holidays, to get to know better winter traditions and meet Santa Claus.
On December 23rd, the National Museum of History of Moldova (coordinator: Larisa Bardier) in collaboration with the Social service „Personal Assistance" (coordinator: Tatiana Plucci) and the Center for Aesthetic Education „Lăstărel" (coordinators: Alexandr Cocean, Viorica Florea and Elena Prutean) have organized a musical literary show for children from disadvantaged families living in the municipality of Chișinău of with the title „We are here to carol!". The show was performed by artistic groups of the Center for Aesthetic Education „Lăstărel": Boy's Choir „Academia Campanelli", coordinator Elena Gulpac; Vocal group „Ell-By-Star", coordinator Nelea Maslo, concert maestro Mariana Ganea; Folk group „Dumbrăvița", coordinator Marina Dumbrăveanu, concert maestro Victor Dumbrăveanu; Instrumental group of Fanfare Orchestra „Tenore", coordinator Ion Cojocaru, concert maestro Victor Pogonii; Vocal-choral group „Alegria", coordinator Vasile Roșioru; Vocal group „Tinerețe Floare", coordinator Marcel Stoian; Vocal circle lead by Evghenia Bolotova; Dramatic circle „Copăcel", coordinator Andrei Graur.
From the Program: 1. Suite of carols „Aprindeți luminile", „Şedric", „Veniți gazdă la fereastră" and „Colindăm, colindăm iarna", performed by Boy's Choir „Academia Campanelli". 2. Instrumental song „Am venit să colindăm!", performed by Instrumental group of Fanfare Orchestra „Tenore". 3. Poem „Iarna" by Georgeta Voinovan, presented by Mădălina Graur, member of Dramatic circle „Copăcel". 4. Christmas Carol with Diana Stoica, solo singer of vocal group „Tinerețe Floare". 5. Song „Steaua Crăciunului", performed by vocal group „Ell-By-Star". 6. Carol „O, ce veste minunată", performed by Maria Godoroja, solo singer of vocal-choral group „Alegria". 7. Song „Iară e Crăciunul", performed by Vocal group „Ell-By-Star". 8. Instrumental song „Clopoței", performed by Instrumental group of Fanfare Orchestra „Tenore". 9. Song „Noaptea de Crăciun", performed by Cujbă Valeria and Beziazîcinîi Denis, members of vocal circle. 10. Artistic moment of winter traditions, performed by Folk group „Dumbrăvița".
At the end of the show the children received gifts from Santa Claus.