Events Archive
National Exhibition " Science for Peace and Development: Creativity, Experience, Perspectives"
November 10, 2022
Academy of Sciences of Moldova, The National History Museum of Moldova
On November 10, in the International Day of Science for Peace and Development, the Academy of Sciences of Moldova turned into an authentic exhibition center, where performance, innovation, creativity and originality reigned supreme. The researchers, guided by the message of this remarkable event, brilliantly showcased their results in their areas of competence obtained in the years 2020-2022, in the framework of several research projects. Launched by the Academy of Sciences at the end of September, the National Exhibition "Science for Peace and Development: Creativity, Experience, Perspectives" gathered under its umbrella several research institutes, universities, agencies, museums with the aim of presenting their achievements, since the pandemic years have substantially reduced the possibilities to exhibit in the traditional format, our activity moving mostly to the virtual environment. In this event, the National Museum of History of Moldova was represented by a stand that presented, in a multilateral way, all spheres of activity of MNIM. The participants of the event got acquainted not only with the current museum exhibitions, but also with the research activity of the museum, with the activities related to museum education, etc. We thank the Academy of Sciences of Moldova for organizing this important event, intended to draw the attention of the general public to the importance of science and its development for peace and the benefit of people.