Events Archive
Symposium ”NANO-2011”
6-9 October 2011
On 6-9 October in Chisinau there took place the fourth edition of the Symposium "NANO-2011" organized by the „D. Ghițu" Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, University of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Union of Technical Scientific Societies of Moldova, National Museum of Archaeology and History of Moldova and Moldova Humboldt Club.
Symposium objectives: bringing together experts from the institutions and organizations from various countries, which actively work towards the exchange of experience, promotion of new ideas and forms of cooperation, search of opportunities to attract young researchers in scientific cooperation with Germany and other foreign countries.
The event was attended by renowned scientists and university professors from 19 countries of the world (Austria, Belarus, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, UK, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Moldova, USA, Turkey, Ukraine and Hungary). During the four days of the symposium work there took place poster sections and round tables, which opened ample opportunities for initiating new collaborations in various fields of research.
On October 8, 2011, at the National Museum of Archaeology and History of Moldova two poster sessions of the symposium were conducted: Section 5 - "Cooperation in Education" and Section 6 - "Cooperation in the Field of Social, Legal, Economic and Philosophical Sciences" , led by Prof. Miklós Kengyel and Dr. hab. Eugen Sava. In the two sections the following communication were presented:
Miklós Kengyel. Die Rolle der Andrássy Deutschsprachige Universität (Budapest) in der Donauregion;
Prof. Dr. Speranta Stanescu. Deutsch in Rumanischen Schulen heute;
Pavel Donec, Kulturelle Matrix und Bildungssystem;
Margirita Balmaceda. A Marie Curie Professorial-level IIF Grant-perfect next step in Humboldt alumni development;
Dumitru Todoroi. Conscience Society. Stage development;
Olga Kyselova, Experience Of Permanent Partnership Of Intercollegiate Medical Engineering College With Research Institutions;
Svetlana Sidorenko. Cooperation between the State Medical and Pharmaceutical University "N. Testemitanu" Moldova and DAAD;
Tatiana Nikitina. Modern trends in the institutional investing in Russia and Germany;
Ana Pascaru. Nanotechnoscence in the knowledge society;
Ion Guceac. Constitutional support of the scientific creativity;
Gheorghe Avornic. Juridical expertise - trends, novel aspects and perspectives;
Tatiana Ilarionova. Scientific community - virtual unions aimed to collaboration;
Sergey Volchenkov. Russian business-mentality: evolution from the state of 90-th to the modern one.