Events Archive
The International Scientific Conference "History - Archeology - Museology", XXXII edition
October 27-28, 2022
The National Museum of History of Moldova organized, between October 27-28, 2022, the International Scientific Conference "History - Archeology - Museology", XXXII edition. The conference was held in a hybrid format. During the start of the scientific conference, with opening speeches came Elena Postică, deputy director of the National Museum of History of Moldova, Liliana Condraticova, general scientific secretary, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Alexandra Barbăneagra, rector of the State Pedagogical University "Ion Creangă" from Chisinau and Sergiu Matveev, dean of the Faculty of History and Philosophy, Moldova State University. Later, took place two book launches: Tyragetia Magazine, vol. XVI, no. 2, 2022 presented by Gheorghe Postică and Elena Arcuș-Jantovan's monography, "Currency and monetary circulation in the Principality of Moldavia (1711-1859)", presented by Sergiu Matveev. The plenary session of the scientific conference contained the presentations "Implications of the new ICOM definition of the museum" by Virgil Ștefan Nițulescu (National Museum of the Romanian Country, Bucharest, Romania) and "Accessories from the merchant's inventory discovered east of the Carpathians and the phenomenon of the "weighed money economy" (Gewichtsgeldwirtschaft) in the IX-XI centuries" by Ion Tentiuc (National Museum of History of Moldova). The works of the scientific conference followed in sections, namely: Archaeology, Medieval and Modern History, Contemporary History and Museology, which took place over two days and included approximately 120 presentations by researchers from the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Poland, Georgia, Russian Federation, Germany, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan and Belarus. The volume of abstracts is here.